Monday, October 4, 2010

Here are some great Food Options!

If you are wondering what can be a great start to your weight loss efforts, try these simple options:

Use simple one ingredient foods consistently

You are going to love this simple trick!  It is really great to have a rule that you can use while at the market or grocery store, and really will be the key to your weight loss efforts.  There is no better rule, than buying and eating only items that have one item listed in the ingredient list.  Reading at the store takes time at the beginning, but, once you try some great items, you are going to find it is not that hard.  You will develop an experience level on what you love, and what tastes good to you.

Snack on fruits and raw nuts

There are roasted nuts, but they really do not do good things for your weight loss efforts.  You need the raw, unprocessed nuts that have a sea salt tossed in.  Keep your eyes out for these little gems, as they are great when you get hungry and need something quick.  Carry around fruit with you, and never go hungry.  Be sure to snack on these two groups consistently.

Stop drinking chemical sodas

If you are a diet pop junkie, it is making you fat.  You would be better off with the sugar version.  The thing is, your liver, your most valuable weight loss tool, needs to remove all of that chemical and additive punch you consume each day.  If it is busy removing junk like diet soda, you are going to never allow it time to remove the real thing-your stored fat.  Drink water and tea instead.  Remember, one ingredient items.

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