Friday, January 7, 2011

Top 10 Great Foods to Eat to Lose Weight

Don't you get tired of all the talk about losing weight?  It is overwhelming sometimes, and can be difficult to weed through the variety of ways to find the right solution.  The key, really, is to fit your diet solutions toward your body.  To do this, you need to try some foods that are proven fat reducing foods, and see what works best for you. 

Before you begin with these foods, be sure to follow these steps to ensure your weight loss steps are not counter-productive:

1.  Eat when you are hungry:  Being hungry will be very dangerous to your Weight loss Efforts.  It is something that can bring about some really bad triggers in your body, like fat storage.  So, be sure to eat, and eat the right things.

2.  Stay away from Chemicals, Sugars and Starches:  I am talking about anything on the label that you do not think is natural, like diet pop, Aspartame, Corn syrup, flours, soy, hydrogenated oils, white potatoes, and salty frozen meals.  These are the death of a healthy diet.

So, without further ado, my favorite foods!

1.  Raw nuts:  you can eat these anywhere, they store well, and they will bring you great vitamins and minerals.  They are something you should have in your home, office and car.  Take them with you when you travel, and buy cashews, pistachios, and almonds.  We are speaking about RAW nuts, not roasted.  They are very different.

2.  Citrus:  Lemons, limes, and Oranges are so good for you, and can be completely portable. Buy them and use them as your sauces, your flavorings, and your fruit for a snack.  Do not skimp!

3.  Eggs, and Eggs again:  Hard boiled, poached, and eaten with veggies, the organic egg is a great way to get your lutein, and your omega 3, 6.  A hard boiled egg can beat your candy bar craving very quickly.

4.  Frozen Fruit and Veggies:  Eating frozen veggies and frights, without the sauces, no salt, just the frozen simple bags, should be in your freezer.  During a moment of crisis, take the veggies out, and blanch them, steam them, make a smoothie out of the fruit, and eat immediately with your citrus.  The fact that they are frozen, cut up, and ready to eat will save you.  Fresh is best, but in a modern day pace, frozen will get you far.

5.  Fresh salads with Protein:  Spinach, bibb lettuce, romaine can be mixed with fruits, or veggies, fresh or steamed.  Add a kick of some protein or some fiber like nuts or beans.  Make your own dressing-crucial-with lemon, lime, zest or either, and some great flavored oil and vinegars.  Make a creamy dressing with some great full fat sour cream, yogurt and some fresh herbs.  Do not buy dressing!

6.  Frozen 100% fruit pops:  They are a great dessert treat, and will get you through any temptation easily.  Make your own with some originality, and some smoothie mixes!

7.  Chicken, Fish and Buffalo Meat:  Organic meat farms are creating great products, that can be easily fried in some coconut oil, and mixed with your veggies and added to your salads.  Make a Mexican burrito with out the flour burrito, and use a casserole to heat up the tomato sauce, cheese and chili peppers over some beans.  Delicious!

8.  Homemade pickles:  Pickle any vegetables that you have on hand, and you think you are not going to eat them immediately.  You can control the spices, the salt, and they do not have to be canned for shelf, but for fridge storage.  Learn how to make your own pickled green beans, peppers, cucumbers, or mushrooms here:

9.  Egg Crepes:  A really great trick, and my favorite food, any time of day!  I take eggs, and beat them, and simply fry them over high heat in a cast iron pan.  You can use a non-stick pan, but you can get some iron benefits from cast iron.  Then, flip, and store them in your fridge.  You can make burritos out these crepes, make a fresh fruit crepe with whipped cream, add veggies and cheese, and keep the ideas flowing.  Anytime you need a burrito, or a way to hold a protein, veggie, or a fruit, you are going to benefit from this great idea! Make a bunch, and eat them within a few days for a great way to stay thin!

10.  Beans, beans, beans:  Add them to salad, protein, or veggies. You are going to feel full on simple canned and rinsed beans.  They can be mashed, fried, can be used in a crepe, keep the ideas flowing.

Do not despair if you hate to cook.  Take one of my foods, and add it to your diet.  Start simple, and keep adding these ideas to your shopping list, and before you know it, you will be dropping pounds.  You have to eat a lot of fresh, and one ingredient foods to become thin.

Why does this work?  Be sure to visit to find out why!

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