Thursday, January 13, 2011

Lose Weight with Breakfast

Are you skipping breakfast?  This is great step to change, as it will boost your metabolism by 50%!  It is a great way to lose weight, as it gives your very hungry body, a way to say, yes, food is here, energy is great, and we can lose some of this stored stuff we have around here.

It is like this, when you have a house full of stuff, and you do not need all the items you have, you end up donating, giving things away, and when more is coming in, you are running out of room.  You end up giving more away, and these are good things too!  Lucky are those garage sale visitors!

But, when items are not coming in, and there is not new stuff coming in, you keep it, store it, and will not let it go.  When you get something new, you keep it even more.  It does not get donated, it gets stored.  It stays hidden in the house, even though you have 13 fishing poles, you decide you can add a 14th pole, as when will you come across another?

The metabolic rate in your brain and hormone system works the same way.  So, little meals, all day long, with healthy one ingredient items will be great for your lifestyle.  You will be donating all that fat to your liver very soon!

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