You know what you have to do, you have to quit your fascination with junk food, and quick! It is a dangerous thing, as the things you eat are very important to your health and how you feel. It can change your entire outlook on life, and affect your entire process of your future. The sooner you take the grasp on the situation, and enjoy your life without junk food the better!
So, start with great one ingredient foods, and those that are not loaded with fat or calories, but nutrition. Eat fresh food, and stay away from the middle of the grocery store. Eat on the fringes, and buy for your day only. If there are days where you can not shop, buy some canned fruit, with no sugars, and some eggs, and some good grains to make a stir fry, and some great yogurt for a fruit smoothie. It really is not that hard!
And, as long as you are full on good foods, you are going to stay healthy! Exercise when you can, but do not make it drudgery. It will stick if you do what you can, and work up to the hard stuff later. You are going to enjoy it, and it will empower you to become the thin person you know you already are!
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